
The family, things we've done, places we've been!

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Sam at the zoo

Sam at the zoo

Sam at the zoo - Apr 2006

First major head wound

First major head wound

First major head wound (Safe-n-Sound!) - Mar 2006

Sam on his new swing set

Sam on his new swing set

Sam on his new swing set - Mar 2006

Sam and his teeth!

Sam and his teeth!

Sam and his teeth! - Mar 2006

Sam and David at the zoo

Sam and David at the zoo

Sam and David at the zoo - Mar 2006

Sam and David at the zoo

Sam and David at the zoo

Sam and David at the zoo - Mar 2006

Sam at the playground

Sam at the playground

Sam at the playground - Mar 2006

Horses on Muriwai

Horses on Muriwai

Horses on Muriwai - Feb 2006

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