
Yep - it's our website -
don't expect anything life-changing!

There's nothing terribly important or exciting here -- just photos of stuff we've done, places we've been, and - in the geeky section - stuff David has written or developed (most of it a long time ago!)

On the links page, there a collection of websites that we find useful, interesting or just amusing.

Updates to, and information about the site can be found on the site page -- if you were wondering! -- but that's not that up-to-date either!

Anyway, that's about it, have a browse around - and please send us a message.


Things we've done, places we've been. Assuming we've found the time to add them to the site.


Sporadic updates of things that we've done. Not updated that often -- we're too busy doing stuff.


Geeky stuff David's written. Not updated in a long time -- too busy doing other stuff.

Contact Us

In case you don't have our phone numbers, email, messenger accounts.

Life on the farm

A little about the place

Where are we?

We live in a place called Waimauku. It's a small village north-west of Auckland. Formerly a farming and fruit-growing community, the area around us now has a number of wineries and at least one brewery!

The Locals

At various times, there are dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, lambs and chickens. There are dreams of other animals, but for now, that's enough.

Just us

Photo taken on the cliff above Maori Bay, Muriwai in October 2019.

The photo of the trees used as the banner to this page was taken by Sam and is just off our property on the main farm.


The usual news applies. Work, school, after-school activities. Sports, horse-riding, scouts. Parties, friends and fun.
